
AmeriCorps representatives visit Libertas!

AmeriCorps representatives visit Libertas!

Last week the Libertas Center was visited by two AmeriCorps portfolio managers to discuss our experience with the VISTA program and our ongoing collaboration with the New York Immigration Coalition. We want to thank both Kenyatta and Sara for traveling to NYC and meeting with members from our staff. We want to shout out the NYIC for facilitating this meeting and for providing us with capacity-building support through the VISTA program.

Libertas Clinical Director & Social Worker attend Choose Healthy Life Fair in Jackson Heights

Walter and Jason have made a concerted effort to continue Libertas community outreach to continue to connect with Queens residents and survivors throughout the five boroughs.

On December 17th, Clinical Director Walter Fendrich and Social Worker Jason Yu attended the Choose Healthy Life Health Fair in Jackson Heights, hosted by St. Mark African Methodist Episcopal Church!

Libertas connected with community members at an event that also offered free health scans, giveaways, flu shots, and insurance information. Walter and Jason were excited to discuss our services and healthcare opportunities with local seniors. Thank you St. Mark AME!

Riverside Language Community Resource Fair joined by Libertas Social Worker and Social Work Intern

On December 8th, Social Worker Jason Yu and Social Work Intern Malli Kamimura attended the Riverside Language Program Community Resource Fair! 130 Riverside students joined dozens of other community members to gather at the B’nai Jeshurun Community House in Manhattan. They connected with local resources, enrolled in training programs, and learned more about available social & workforce services. 

Jason and Malli enjoyed presenting on Libertas services and meeting so many dedicated, immigrant-focused programs in NYC! Thank you Riverside Language!

Community Connections: QBPO Immigrant Resource Fair

Libertas Center’s bilingual Social Worker, Cybele Martinez, talked with Queens residents about our services.

On a wonderful autumn Saturday in the Park of the Americas in Corona, Libertas connected with more than 50 community members and over a dozen organizations at the Queens Immigrant Resource Fair. The event was hosted and facilitated by the Queens Borough President Donovan Richard’s Office.

Community members received free medical supplies, helpful tips for recently arrived immigrants, and important contact information for other services and city agencies. At the Libertas table, we made stress balls with those who stopped by to connect over an activity and as a way to remember our program! We enjoyed adding smiley faces and other designs to them as we explained our medical, mental health, social, and legal services.

By the end of the day, Libertas Social Worker, Cybele Martinez, and Libertas Program Assistant, Flint Christian, were masters at making stress balls to help alleviate tension.

We're excited about any opportunity to connect with potential clients and partner organizations as we return to in-person events in a safe and cautious manner. We look forward to future events where we represent our work and broaden our community connections.

Thank you to the Queens Borough President's Office and Donovan Richards for hosting the Resource Fair and for their outreach!

A Wonderful World Refugee Day Festival!

Libertas staff and clients had an amazing experience at the World Refugee Day Community Arts Festival in Brooklyn.

Artists, performers, community members, and a host of community-based organizations gathered on Sunday for the 6th Annual World Refugee Day Community Arts Festival. It was a wonderful celebration filled with music, theater, song, dance, paintings, and more.

Libertas clients gave incredible performances. One client opened the Festival with energy and passion on conga drums. Another sang beautifully and inspired the whole crowd to dance. Another helped bring the Festival to a close with a stoic, powerful reading of their memoir about their time in exile.

Executive Director Dr. Dinali Fernando spoke on behalf of Libertas and advocated for services. Libertas clients were a key part of the Festival as they showcased their talents and connected with the community.

You can read more about performers and their performances here! You can also check out photos from the World Refugee Day Festival on the Conservatory’s website here.

Thank you to all who attended the Festival and stopped by the Libertas Center table! We are grateful for your support.

In celebration of World Refugee Day, the Libertas Center is hoping to raise $4,000 for Libertas clients' emergency needs. Thank you for your support!